2010 fundraisers a big success
Happy New Year to all our supporters and thanks for your efforts in 2010. Almost €50,000 was raised by you through our various events, regular donations and our Christmas Appeal.
The annual VIVA Golf Classic was held in Glasson on August 6th. 40 teams battled it out for the top prize on this fantastic course raising over €5,000 for VIVA. Thanks again to Tony McManus for his contribution to the success of this event. VIVA also appreciates the support of our sponsors Univet and C&M Vetlink.

Tony Mc Manus (left), with the winning team: (L to R) John Parker, Oliver Fahy, Seamus Hayden, Peter Brady and sponsors Brendan Crowe (Univet) and Stephen Lyons (C&M Vetlink)
Midland Showjumping, who have been very loyal supporters of VIVA over the years have again donated the fees from their annual summer showjumping event to support our overseas livestock projects. At a recent function in Granard, organisers Brian Gormley and Oliver Glancy along with sponsors Ann Gannon and Mary Gannon presented Brendan Mimnagh of VIVA with a cheque for €2,000.

L to R : Brian Gormley MVB, Ann Gannon, Brendan Mimnagh, Mary Gannon, Oliver Glancy
The annual VIVA 100km cycle challenge rolled into Bantry this year for a tour of west Cork. Despite heavy rain almost countrywide, west Cork was blessed with glorious sunshine and emergency supplies of sunblock had to be handed out at the snack stops to the 50 participants. Exploring the Sheep's Head and Mizen peninsulas the cycle offered participants some of the finest scenery in Ireland. The cyclists took the coastal route around the Sheep's Head peninsula to the village of Durrus. After lunch there, we headed down the Mizen peninsula to Toormore (where some of the cyclists took the opportunity to cycle out to Mizen Head). Onwards then to Schull, Ballydehob and home to Bantry. The day ended with a celebratory dinner in the Westlodge Hotel. Martin Breen, who travelled to Uganda in the summer to visit VIVA projects, spoke after dinner of the impact the projects have had on the families he visited. Martin is this year's winner of the Mike O'Leary Trust Bursary which enables VIVA to send a vet student to visit our projects every summer. The event, organised by Irish Cycling Safaris, raised €15,000.

Syd Nagle, Donal Connolly and Ivan Heffernan take a break on the "Bantry 100"
2011 is the 250th anniversary of the veterinary profession and is also the European Year of the Volunteer. We hope that many of you will mark these landmarks in 2011 with a New Year's resolution to take part in one of our fundraisers.